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Special Issues

Proposals for Special Issues

In keeping with its mandate to advance interdisciplinary scholarship through academic publication, the UCR invites proposals for Special Issues on a rolling basis.

A Special Issue may cover a current or emerging issue, seek to publish papers presented at an academic conference, engage with the work of a specific scholar or mark a significant academic event. The UCR encourages, in particular, that special issues provide inter, multi or trans disciplinary perspectives. This may be through the publication of submissions that offer single disciplinary perspectives on the theme of the special issue or through submissions developed collaboratively across disciplines.

An academic of the University of Colombo may propose a Special Issue as an open call for submissions or as an open call combined with invited submissions.

Proposals for a Special Issue should include the following information.

  1. Title of the Special Issue.
  2. A summary of the aims and scope.
  3. A note on the inter, multi or trans disciplinary perspectives that will be offered.
  4. The name, affiliation, email address, and curriculum vitae of the proposed Guest Editor(s) and Guest Assistant Editor (if any). One Guest Editor shall be from the University of Colombo. The other guest editors or assistant guest editors may be from other academic or professional institutions, as relevant to the theme of the special issue.
  5. Whether the submissions will be obtained through an open call, or an open call combined with invited submissions.
  6. A list of proposed articles and reviews. This list should include the title of each article/review, name and affiliation of author and an abstract.
  7. A special issue should include a minimum of 5 articles and may include 2 reviews.
  8. The proposed timeline (maximum of 9 months).

Proposals for Special Issue will be approved by the Editorial Board of the UCR.

Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by Web Coordinator